Many people have endless reasons why they do not schedule their full body checkup yearly. If you’ve not had your yearly health check in a long time, you are not alone. Although this is an important aspect of maintaining your health, many people do not understand why they need a health check until they become sick.
Your visits to the doctor shouldn’t only be when you have a health concern. Regular health checkups can save you from dealing with different health conditions and the money for intensive medical when any serious health issue arises.
What is a full body checkup?
A full body checkup is a routine test to assess your overall health. This checkup consists of a wide range of tests to help you understand your body needs, identify health concerns, and when you need to make certain lifestyle changes.
Your full body checkup will cover your medical history and consider your past and current illnesses and tests, surgeries, medications, lifestyle, and other important information.
What does a full body checkup involve?
The full body checkup covers the following screen and monitors your overall health.
- General physical evaluation
- Complete blood count
- Blood glucose monitoring
- Urine analysis
- Blood pressure check
- Specific laboratory tests essential for your overall health screening
The tests in a full body check vary between persons and depend on your gender, age, and health condition. Your doctor may also recommend additional examinations like CT scans and x-rays.
The urban lifestyle comprises poor habits, inactivity, limited time for self-care, poor nutrition, and other factors. These increase the risk of diseases, making your yearly full body checkup more important.
Factors that contribute to disease development include:
- Obesity
- Tobacco use
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Unhealthy foods
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Smoking
Essential reasons to visit your doctor for routine full body checkups include:
Saves life
Being ignorant of your health condition can cause you more harm. Your annual health check is a form of preventive care that can help you avoid life-threatening illnesses.
Keeps you informed
Ageing may increase your need for hospital visits due to developing illnesses. Instead of waiting until a condition presents symptoms, you can have a yearly full-body checkup to catch symptoms early. The result of annual health checks can give you information about your health and risk factors.
Early detection
When your doctor detects early disease symptoms, they can offer treatment to prevent the condition from worsening.
Ensures quick recovery
Some conditions do not show specific symptoms and develop gradually until later when treatment is expensive or less effective. If your full body checkup identifies a condition, you can get treatment and have a quick recovery. An example is detecting first-stage cancer when chances of survival are high and recovery is faster.
Monitors the overall health
Being healthy doesn’t mean you will never get sick. Taking care of your health will benefit you and your loved ones. With a full body checkup, you can monitor each body part’s overall health and integrity.
Reduces cost of healthcare
Many health issues are lifelong and cause continuous discomfort requiring ongoing expensive treatments, medications, frequent hospitalisations, and surgeries. If you can detect these conditions early, you will avoid the discomfort and eliminate medical care expenses. In the long-term, yearly full-body checks can save you more money.
Increases lifespan
A recurring benefit of yearly full body checkups is the early detection of diseases that reduce the risk for further life-threatening complications like kidney, heart, or liver disease. You will improve your long-term health and life expectancy because your results can make you adopt healthier habits and lifestyles.
Who needs a full body checkup?
Anyone can get regular full body checkups for chronic diseases such as heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and other conditions.
Other situations that require yearly full body checkups include:
- When you need surgery
- You experience unusual symptoms such as troubled breathing, persistent cough, urinary incontinence, or frequent diarrhoea
- If you had cancer
- You are 50 years or older
- To prevent unexpected health issues
- Older people require comprehensive checks since they are more susceptible to getting sick
A full-body check aims to address your lifestyle, set a base for consistent wellness, and improve your overall quality of life.
You can call 020 73599880 today to book Private GP appointment London.
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