Kareri Lake Trek

Maria James

Kareri Lake Trek: Best Lake Trek

Kareri Lake Trek


Kareri Lake Trek is one of the most stunning trekking experiences in the Indian Himalayas. Situated at an altitude of 3034 metres above sea level, the lake is a stunning emerald green body of water surrounded by majestic peaks, lush forests, and rolling meadows. It is located in the Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh, and is easily accessible from Dharamshala, McLeod Ganj, and nearby towns. The trek is suitable for both beginners and experienced trekkers, and offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural experiences, and adventure.

Natural Beauty:

The Kareri Lake Trek is known for its breathtaking natural beauty. The trek takes you through dense forests of Deodar and Oak, and across rolling meadows dotted with wildflowers. The landscape is dotted with streams and rivers that gurgle along the trail, providing a soothing background music to your trek. The highlight of the trek is, of course, the lake itself. The crystal-clear water of the lake reflects the majestic peaks that surround it, creating a picture-perfect postcard of the Himalayas.

Cultural Experiences:

The Kareri Lake Trek also offers an opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture and tradition. You will cross through several small villages along the way, where you can interact with the friendly locals, sample local cuisine, and learn about their way of life. The trek also takes you through a shrine dedicated to Lord Shiva, which is believed to have been built by the Pandavas during their exile. This shrine is an important cultural and spiritual site for the local people, and is a fascinating stop along the trek.


The Kareri Lake Trek is an adventure-packed experience that will test your physical and mental abilities. The trail can be challenging at times, with steep inclines and rocky terrain. However, the sense of accomplishment and the breathtaking views from the top make the effort well worth it. The trek also offers opportunities for bird watching, camping, and rock climbing, making it an ideal choice for adventure-seekers.


The Kareri Lake Trek can be completed in 3-4 days, and can be easily organised through local trekking agencies. The trek starts from the village of Kareri, which is accessible by road from Dharamshala and McLeodGanj. You can choose to camp along the way or stay in local homestays, depending on your preference. The trek is best done from March to June, when the weather is pleasant and the wildflowers are in full bloom

Wildlife and Flora:

The Kareri Lake Trek is also a haven for wildlife and botany enthusiasts. The trek takes you through the Dhauladhar range, which is home to a rich and diverse array of flora and fauna. You can spot several species of birds, such as the Himalayan Monal and the Himalayan Snowcock, and animals like the Himalayan Black Bear, Snow Leopard, and Musk Deer. The trek also offers an opportunity to witness and appreciate the beauty of several species of wildflowers, shrubs, and trees.

Local Cuisine:

The local cuisine along the Kareri Lake Trek is an experience not to be missed. You will get a chance to sample delicious traditional dishes, made with locally sourced ingredients. Some of the popular dishes to try include Dham, a traditional Himachali dish made with lentils and rice, and Sidu, a type of bread made from wheat flour and stuffed with a mixture of spices and herbs. The food is usually cooked over a wood fire, adding to its rustic and authentic flavour.


Accommodation options along the Kareri Lake Trek are quite varied and cater to different budgets and preferences. You can choose to stay in local homestays, which provide a unique and authentic experience. These homestays are run by local families and offer comfortable and clean rooms, as well as delicious home-cooked meals. Alternatively, you can opt for camping, which offers a more adventurous and scenic option. There are several campsites along the trek, which are equipped with basic amenities such as toilets and kitchens.

Safety and Health Considerations:

The Kareri Lake Trek is considered a safe and well-maintained trail, however, it is always advisable to take certain precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. It is important to carry adequate water and food, as well as appropriate clothing and gear. It is also essential to carry a first-aid kit, and to be aware of altitude sickness and its symptoms. If you have any medical conditions, it is important to inform your trek leader and to take necessary precautions.


 The Kareri Lake Trek is a must-do for anyone visiting the Indian Himalayas. With its stunning natural beauty, cultural experiences, and adventure, it is sure to provide an unforgettable and enriching experience. Whether you are a solo traveller, a group of friends, or a family, this trek is suitable for everyone. So, pack your bags and get ready to explore one of the most beautiful and serene trekking destinations in India.

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