IELTS exam

Maria James

Where to Start the IELTS Exam Preparations From?

IELTS exam, IELTS exam preparation

The IELTS exam, the gateway to vast career opportunities and a visa, has an incredible role in the life of students. Yes, you heard it right. The exam is the most important factor that will decide if you are eligible to travel abroad or not. Well, to your astonishment, the IELTS test has a strong reputation among the best English proficiency assessment tests. Most candidates make decisions to go ahead with the exam due to its popularity. But preparing for the IELTS exam is not a cakewalk as the exam demands a high standard of the English language.

Many candidates find it hard to prepare for the exam as they don’t know where to start the exam preparations. This makes the candidates feel obscured during the IELTS exam preparations. They just keep focusing on reading grammar books and advancing their English skills. Well, that’s important but exam preparation includes other steps as well.

To your surprise, reading books is not the best way to start your preparations. In fact, one must start their exam preparations with sample papers. The article will help you know the significance of the sample papers in the IELTS exam preparations in the best way. For better guidance, you can seek help from one of the top IELTS institutes.

Let’s learn the best way to start your IELTS exam preparations:

Start with sample papers

One must access the sample papers profoundly before starting to study for the IELTS exam. Sample papers are the best source that delivers acquaintance with the exam pattern. Apart from this, the papers also give an idea of the types of questions and the length of the exam.

Additionally, the papers also help us learn the grading system and the requirements to excel in the exam. Overlooking the sample papers will keep you away from the requirements to ace the exam. Thus, solve the sample papers, observe the requirements to ace the exam, and prepare in the right direction.

Learn sentence formation

You may find it surprising that there is a basic syntax to express your thoughts in English. One must abide by all the rules of that syntax. Along with that, get a proper understanding of basic patterns to form sentences in the English language. To learn sentence formation profoundly, it is compulsory to have knowledge of gerunds and infinitives. The tutorials on YouTube are available at your fingertips to help you learn them in the best way.


Learning vocabulary could be interesting if you are learning it in the right way. You need to have an Oxford dictionary in paper format that is available in the market for 200 Rs. A dictionary in paper format will help you learn words with their deep meanings in the best approach. Make sure to pay attention to pronunciation and examples printed next to the word. A perfect study spot, a cup of coffee, and a dictionary in a paper format will help you level up your proficiency in the English language.

Working on each skill

Don’t be partial when you have different sections to study in order to ace the exam. Let us bring to your notice that your performance in each section will impact the overall IELTS exam score. Work on each skill with the help of the available sources. Such as audiobooks will help you level up your listening skills. On the other hand, novels will help you elevate your reading skills. Rewriting articles in the newspaper can help you improve your writing style. And conversing on topics with your friends, reflecting in the mirror, and Google Assistant will polish your speaking skills.

Struggling to excel in the IELTS exam with a good IELTS score band? If yes, then consider taking the PTE exam as the exam is quite popular for its easy structure. Get a comprehensive guide for the PTE exam preparations by joining an incredible PTE institute in Patiala. Make sure to work for your PTE exam rigorously as the exam also demands high-standard English.


We hope that you have found the right way to start your preparations for the IELTS exam. However, you can also follow the instructions of experts on YouTube and the best books. The Oxford guide to English grammar is the most promising book that we can recommend to you. Choose the book that matches your preferences.

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